Purpose : Establish a Foundation Demon: Fear
Key issues to face: | Needs to be met:
Grounding, Trust | Self-preservation
The Base Chakra is seen to be red in colour and is positioned at the perineum. It is linked to adrenal glands and reproductive organs, in males, of the endocrine system. It's energy grounds us to the earth and connects us to our bodies. This is critical as a healthy functioning Base Chakra helps us feel safe and secure while dealing with issues around our physicality.

Having an imbalanced Base Chakra causes difficultly in trusting yourself or others. You may also struggle with setting appropriate personal boundaries or feel you are continuously struggling for survival. Your basic rights to be here and your right to have, are undermined by feelings of unjustified fear.
When your survival is perceived to be threatened, and the continuous underlying feelings of fear move through your energy field, the nervous system and adrenal glands remain overworked. You become tired and restless. Being in a constant state of stress may eventually create high blood pressure, adrenal depletion and immune system problems.
Other symptoms commonly experienced are chronic fatigue and insomnia or may find you are clumsy or forgetful. Feelings of disconnection could also be due to an imbalanced or blocked base chakra which can even lead to distorted body image and low self-esteem.
Physically you may experience on-going skeletal issues or have problems with the kidney’s and the lower part of the body such as your knees, feet and legs.
Here are lists of the symptoms most likely to be experienced if your energy is blocked and not flowing freely through your Base Chakra:
Physical Symptoms of an imbalanced or blocked Base Chakra
Kidney issues
Chronic fatigue
Low Blood Pressure
Immune system issues (frequent illness)
Weight Issues (under-weight/over-weight)
Skeletal body issues (especially lower part of the body)
Emotional States as Symptoms of an imbalanced or blocked Base Chakra
Low self-esteem
Anxiety/Panic attacks
Emotionally unstable
Mental States as Symptoms of an imbalanced or blocked Base Chakra
Poor focus
Fear of change
Distorted body image
Issues with sexual intimacy
Lack of security (work/ financial/ home/ relationships)
Poor personal boundaries/ Rigid personal boundaries
Spiritual States as Symptoms of an imbalanced or blocked Base Chakra
Feelings of disconnection
Decreased Life force energy
Ungroundedness (feelings of being out of your body)
Balancing and clearing your Base Chakra, through the receiving of energy healing, supports the healing of all of these issues while boosting your vitality, passion and strength.
Exercises & ideas you may find help keep your Base Chakra clear and in balance:
1) Stand with a tennis ball under your right foot (shoes and socks removed) opening the muscles of the foot and connection with the Earth. Do the same with the left foot. The more pain you feel the more
blocks are present.
2) Connect to the Earth by talking a bare-footed walk on the beach or in a forest. Keep your attention on
your feet as you take you feel the sand/ soil in-between your toes.
3) During meditation sense and feel roots growing out the soles of your feet. Growing down down
down, deep into the centre of the Earth. Feel your roots taking up the nourishment of the fertile soil
around them. Sense the earths energy come up these roots into the base of your spine. Visualise the colour red moving into and around your perineum. Sit in this moment for 5 to 10 minutes.
4) Place your hands on your thighs. Inhale the colour red into your Base Chakra - positioned at the
perineum - and flex your spine forwards at the same time. On the exhale take note of the colour that
comes out of your Base Chakra while moving your pelvic floor backwards. Do this until you see the
colour red come out of your Base Chakra. If this doesn't happen after a while try doing exercises 1-3
before trying again.
5) Use a Base Chakra Crystal Essence for the development of your chakra. To order- R150 (excluding
This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Base Chakra. It assists in strengthening survival instincts and instilling feelings of security. It promotes independence and a good sense of one's own power, while reducing hyperactivity, fear, and vengeful feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one's mother, and past and present lovers.
Crystals used: Hematite, Red Coral, Tektite,Red Jasper, Cinnabar, Black Obsidian, Ruby, Garnet, Fire Agate, Blood Stone, Schorl, Lodestone
6) Use a Grounding & Centring Crystal Essence for the development of your chakra. To order- R150 (excluding shipping - if neccessary) 30ml = 600 drops

This essence grounds oneself in the body and physical world, counteracting spaciness and confusion. It purifies and protects the aura allowing one to attune to the white light of Divine Essence. It balances polarities and harmonises the astral, subtle and causal bodies, aligning them correctly with the physical. It stimulates Kundalini energy that clears and strengthens each of the chakras.
Crystals used in this essence:
Hematite — Most effective for grounding oneself in the body and the physical world. Counteracts spaciness and confusion. Balance the auric field and align the chakras. Balances male and female energies. Assists one in carrying a very high frequency while still remaining connected to the Earth and one's own body.
Apache Tears — Grounding and protection from negative energies. Cleanses and heals old wounds or emotional 'baggage'. Assists in purifying the meridians and chakras. Vitalises and purifies the blood while lending strength and stamina on a physical level.
Boji Stones — Balances and aligns the subtle bodies and chakras. Excellent grounding stone.
Smoky Quartz — Premier grounding stone. Facilitates grounding of spiritual information, making it possible to do something practical and beneficial with the insights one receives from the higher vibrational planes. Protects against negativity.
Red Jasper — Strengthens the Root Chakra. Stimulates Kundalini energy which activates, clears and strengthens each of the chakras.
Healer's Gold — Harmonises the astral, subtle and causal bodies and aligns them correctly with the physical. Balances male and female energies. Activates weak or lazy chakras and enhances the flow of subtle energies throughout the meridian system. Grounding light into the physical body.
Schorl — Offers psychic protection. Clears the aura of imbalance and destructive energies. Creates a grounding circuit with the Earth's energetic field.
Kyanite — Rapidly transfers energy. Links physical, astral and causal bodies, stimulating full consciousness. Creates pathways of energy where none where before.
Herkimer Diamond — Picks up, magnifies and broadcasts the frequencies of other stones. Purifies one's energy field and attunes one to the white Light of Divine Essence.
Moss Agate — Emanates vibrations of balance and stability in the physical domain. Grounds by connecting one to the Earth while stimulating psychic contact with elementals and Nature spirits. Enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance and brining one's goals to completion.
Magnetite — Balances polarities. Acts as a dynamic anchor, keeping one firmly connected with the body while bringing in all the subtle energies, aligning them with the physical self. Harmonises other grounding stone.
If you are still experiencing symptoms of a blocked or imbalanced Base Chakra, that are negatively effecting your life, you may want to consider seeing a qualified Energy Healer. They will be trained to channel Healing Energy into your Chakra system clearing, healing and balancing your energetic system. To make an appoinment
Affirmation to use in meditation:
"I have the right to be here and to have"
*** Image by http://bodyhealthmag.com/​
Nothing in this blog is intended as medical or psychological advice. Energy healing is not a replacement for conventional medicine. Whenever you have concerns about your health or mental well being, you should seek and follow the advice of a qualified medical or mental health practitioner.
By Janine Zitianellis, Copyright © 2013-16 EnergeticBodyHealing.co.za All rights reserved.