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The aura is the dynamic energy field around the physical body which acts as a filter to energy around us. It acts as a layer of protection as we control what energy we transmit, repel or want to attracts. By experiencing trauma, prolonged stress, chronic medication or drug use it becomes distorted and permeable to negative energy. This causes a weak aura that looses life force energy, feelings of anxiety and depression often resulting in physical dis-ease.


Aura healing is the process of identifying and clearing this negative energy found as lower frequency thoughts and negative emotional states. Bringing it back to a higher vibration that functions as a natural protection against unnecessary negative energy and starts attracting experiences that match the new energy of a healthy auric field.   


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CONTACT: Janine Zitianellis


MOBILE: +27 83 764 2177

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This website and it's contents are not intended to replace medical or psychological advice. Whenever you have concerns about your health or mental well-being, you should seek and follow the advice of a qualified medical or mental health practitioner together with seeking support from an Energy Healing practitioner.

By J. Zitianellis, Copyright © 2013-24    The Energetic Body Healing Centre. All rights reserved.

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